Now, that’s service!



January 18, 2019 - 3:23 PM

Longtime Allen County Regional Hospital Auxiliary member Alice Hood, 94, gets a hug from Tony Thompson, hospital CEO, at a recent dinner recognizing the Auxiliary.

Consider this the next time you’re feeling a little weary.

Allen County Regional Auxiliary members Ruby Davis and Alice Hood were among those honored during the Auxiliary’s annual dinner earlier this month.

Davis was recognized for her 21 hours of volunteer work in support of the Auxiliary in 2018, which pushed her total to 6,000. Just this week, Davis manned the snack table at the hospital’s blood drive.

Hood, meanwhile, was presented a certificate for her 84 hours of volunteerism in 2018. She, too, is often a fixture around the halls at ACRH in some capacity.

Davis is 104; Hood a spritely 94. Hood was a charter member of the Auxiliary, which formed about the time she arrived in Iola in 1968; Davis joined a few years after that.

Hood opened the dinner with a devotional reading, much like she’s opened each Auxiliary meeting for more than six years.

Attending the annual dinner were Loren Korte and Jeff Johnson, hospital trustees.
Korte expressed the trustees’ gratitude for the Auxiliary’s support of the hospital.
